
Thursday, April 8, 2010

"oh, hey"

It's only been 3 days since my last post but so much has gone on it feels like it's been an ETERNITY!
So much so that I want to reintroduce myself.

Oh hey, yeah, my name is Megan, and this is, uh, my kid, Mia.  Yeah, she's almost 1.  Yep, babies are a lot of fun. Oh yeah. When they don't sleep...I'm telling ya man (I mean, you're a woman), it's killa.  Uh-huh.  Oh, yeah...well actually I stay at home with her. Yep. Yeah it's pretty good, it works for now, you know what I mean?  Yeah.  It's cool.  I was a guidance counselor.  Yeah, pretty crazy with the middle schoolers!!  But they were cute.  Yeah, schools these days. One word: scary!  (Just kidding.)  Well yeah, it was nice meetin' ya.  Yeah...probably no more naps for today.  Yep, uh huh!  K, bye!

Okay, so now you got a peek into my brain about how usual conversations go with new people these days, often starting with Mia as the ice breaker.

But anyhoo, I got to hit up the store (and I snuck into Starbucks too) by myself today, so no random conversations with strangers.  Just the chance to actually walk around at my own leisure, and I got to tell ya, it was pretty nice.  Meanwhile, Mia was sleeping soundly in her little crib while Nana monitored.  I do enjoy cavorting around with Mia, but any mom will tell ya it's nice to get a break every now and then, today included.

More pictures of Mia coming up, to be sure.  For now, I'm out. Like a light.



Susan said...

And I loved the monitoring, playing, and snuggles! Nana

Megan said...

Oh no - now you know I went to Starbucks!!! :D

Susan said...

Not a problem. I'm glad you had some time for yourself! That's what Nanas are for!